Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Ideal Environment

I grew up in a very large city, Taipei, Taiwan. I am most comfortable in a large metropolis. I have spent time in Minneapolis and Denver, both fair-sized metropoli, but not quite my ideal living space. The only thing I've seen that comes close is in the movie Blade Runner
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I live where I do now (low-crime, good schools), but I can see myself moving into a high-rise apartment in the middle of downtown somewhere once the kids are grown.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Morning/Night Person

I am on the horns of a dilemma. I am, by nature, a night person. I have worked every night shift imaginable (6-6, 7-7, 12-12, 4-4) and am quite comfortable in the wee hours. Enter a management job...6:00am to 4:00pm...I had to start getting up early, so I couldn't stay up and enjoy the night except on weekends. Well, things have taken an unexpected turn. I've made such an effort to go to bed early on weeknights that the latest I can sleep on the weekends now is 8:00am. That wouldn't be so bad, but I'm starting to realize that the only time I will have to myself, when I'm not tired, is early in the morning. I had my alarm set for 6:30 this morning so that I can get our crew to church on time. Well, I awoke at 5:00am, started to go back to sleep, then got up anyway to have some alone-time. Is this a trend? Am I turning into a morning person? Help!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

A Very Sad Day for Citizens of Planet Earth

Kurt Vonnegut
11 Nov 1922-11 Apr 2007
We've lost yet another great voice from the global conscience. Novelist, free-thinker, funnyman Kurt Vonnegut has passed away at age 84. He was, without a second thought, my favorite writer, and I will miss him. A lot of my own ideas and thoughts were shaped by reading his novels: thinly-disguised commentary on the human condition, masquerading as some of the most bizarre science fiction I've ever read. I'm just grateful that he left so much of himself behind in his writing, which I'm going back to re-read (and, as anyone who knows me will tell you, I don't re-read many books). A sad, sad day for me, indeed.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Snow in April

Yes, I went out today to get the mail, and what to my wondering eye should appear but...snow. Gotta love Texas in the spring.

p.s. Song going through my head..."Heat of the Moment" by Asia...which sounds remarkably like "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles...weird.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Those of you with small children...

...may understand. I'm sitting here, web-surfing away, checking the news, sports, whatever. The TV is on, and the Disney channel is blasting through my consciousness. As it continues to pound away, I start to wish I could just turn on some music or something, but the girls just started watching this show, so I try to shut it out. After awhile, it starts to get to me, and I turn to ask them to at least lower the volume...but no one is there. I am the only one in the room...I've been enduring this for awhile BY MYSELF! No problem. I go over and turn it off...quiet (except for the sounds of my kids having fun). No sooner have I sat back down to choose a more suitable soundtrack for my Friday morning, when I hear, "Why did you turn it off? We were watching that!"

Song going through my head: The Doodlebops theme song

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A Fairly Quick Test

I like to find out what the answers I give to random questions say about me. To that end, here's a short (68 multiple choice) test to determine your personality type. Apparently, I am an Artist.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Quote for the Week

"The imitation of good faith is how you stumble upon hate"
- Jakob Dylan -

Monday, April 2, 2007

What song is going through my head?

For some unknown reason, the song, "Roses are Red" by Bobby Vinton, is going through my head...the really sad one, when he meets the girl later in life and says (well, almost cries), "Is that your little girl? She looks a lot like you...". That has got to be the saddest. To meet your unrequited teenage love later in life...or maybe I'm just more sentimental than I like to think...

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Final Four

Check out Chuck Klosterman's blog on the Final Four on ESPN's website. I just love him!

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

I just noticed that my profile says I'm a Sagittarius...not always true. Nov 22 falls on the cusp between Scorpio and Sagittarius. No, I'm not into astrology, but I've always found that "cusp" thing interesting, especially since my sister Emily's birthday is on Jun 21 which also falls on the cusp between Gemini and Cancer. I say that they fall on the cusp because some charts list them as one, and some list them as the other. That said, I find it interesting that I never put what sign I was in my profile, nor did I want it posted...but there it is...and this is free...so I won't complain...much.
New Feature:
I'm going to start sharing with you either the song, or noise, that I'm hearing at the time of the post, or whatever song is going through my head (and there always is one). Right now, I'm listening to a band called, Jazz is Dead on finetune.com
They jazzify Grateful Dead songs, sort of like the band, Hayseed Dixie "bluegrasses" AC/DC and other rock/pop songs and Richard Cheese lounges pop tunes. I love alternate genre versions of rock/pop songs. Heck, sometimes it's the only way I ever figure out the words!
New topic! I have long suspected that the Mid Life Crisis that men go through also had a biological source...well, now I have proof! This article details the testosterone replacement therapy for men who have lost their libido, have no energy, etc...that explains everything!