Sunday, April 1, 2007

Sunday Morning Comin' Down

I just noticed that my profile says I'm a Sagittarius...not always true. Nov 22 falls on the cusp between Scorpio and Sagittarius. No, I'm not into astrology, but I've always found that "cusp" thing interesting, especially since my sister Emily's birthday is on Jun 21 which also falls on the cusp between Gemini and Cancer. I say that they fall on the cusp because some charts list them as one, and some list them as the other. That said, I find it interesting that I never put what sign I was in my profile, nor did I want it posted...but there it is...and this is I won't complain...much.
New Feature:
I'm going to start sharing with you either the song, or noise, that I'm hearing at the time of the post, or whatever song is going through my head (and there always is one). Right now, I'm listening to a band called, Jazz is Dead on
They jazzify Grateful Dead songs, sort of like the band, Hayseed Dixie "bluegrasses" AC/DC and other rock/pop songs and Richard Cheese lounges pop tunes. I love alternate genre versions of rock/pop songs. Heck, sometimes it's the only way I ever figure out the words!
New topic! I have long suspected that the Mid Life Crisis that men go through also had a biological source...well, now I have proof! This article details the testosterone replacement therapy for men who have lost their libido, have no energy, etc...that explains everything!

1 comment:

OC Hands said...

Wow! So that's what causes mid-life crisis--something that I can blame on biological changes. In other words "you no tuve la culpa"
Thanks for clearing that up.
Remaking an old song with a new style is interesting, but usually does not appeal to me. This doesn't square with my nature, which is to be creative and not do something the same way twice.
Example: doing a "Young, jazzy version of the Messiah."
OC Hands