Tuesday, June 19, 2007

...and Ike arrives.

Please give a warm welcome to the newest addition to the Wichita Falls Lites clan: Ike, the Betta fish. He was obtained at PetCo, where he was one of the only ones that didn't have fungus growing on him. The last one was procured from WalMart, where none of the fish had fungus growing on them. Discuss.


Shandra said...

There will be many more fish to shell out for in your very near future. Kids kill them...we just need to live with it.

Anonymous said...

You're... keeping him in the wrong conditions, too. Gorgeous fish, I got here by a Google image search, and just... felt the need to tell you. Bettas do best in 2.5 gallons, with low filters, and probably heat, and fed (a very small amount) once a day. Of course, given how old this post is, you probably don't care anymore... ^^;